Art Museum, Northern Arizona University, 2005
Materials: prepared deer manikin with deer head, drawing on BFK Rives paper with coffee wash and charcoal pencil, Ponderosa pine pole, rope, leather glove, apron, charcoal pencil
This simple installation contained some of the objects I have used in previous works of art. It also gives reference to me as a “western” artist, capturing a new aesthetic, and exploring, questioning, and critiquing yet another form of Manifest Destiny. Included are a ponderosa pine staff, used for gathering and guiding ideas; a rope, for lassoing and binding those ideas together; a leather glove, once used by a logger, given as a gift to me as a artist; an artist’s smock, used like chaps for protection; and a General 6B charcoal pencil, the tool used to draw a true and pure implied line at the heart of the deer—capturing its spirit.